Your guide for SaaS hashtag success. Seamlessly navigate social media with the most popular SaaS hashtags and learn how to find them moving forward.

Popular SaaS Hashtags That You Need to Use in 2024

Your guide for SaaS hashtag success. Seamlessly navigate social media with the most popular SaaS hashtags and learn how to find them moving forward.

In the time it takes to brew a cup of instant coffee, about 500 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube. In just 24 hours, there are about 1 billion – yes, that says billion with a ‘B’ – stories added to Facebook. 

To categorize this insanely high content volume, individuals and businesses use hashtags. While they might seem complicated, with the right strategy, hashtags are pretty easy to master. 

Like riding a bike, you probably won’t get it right away. You might even fall on your face a few times. But with our help in understanding the popular SaaS hashtags you can use this year, everything will fall into place, and you’ll smoothly cruise along to the land of the hashtags. 

Now, let’s get cruising.

What Are Hashtags? Are They Relevant for SaaS in 2024? 

Hashtags can be a combination of words, numbers, or phrases with the hashtag symbol (#) in front of them. And yes, hashtags are still insanely relevant in 2024 and likely aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. 

But, why are hashtags so important for businesses? Sure, they help categorize content, but is that their only purpose? I’m glad you asked. 

In addition to being a categorization tool, hashtags help with: 

There are a few ways to locate the most popular SaaS hashtags that are relevant to your business:

  1. Hashtag Generators: You can leverage tools designed to keep you up-to-date with the latest trending hashtags. Platforms like ReelTrends for Instagram and TrendTok for TikTok are good examples. Not only do these platforms help you identify relevant hashtags, but they also provide you with templates, keyword trends, and trending sounds to use in your social media posts. 
  2. Competitor Analysis: Gain inspiration from your competitors by analyzing their social media profiles. Visit their profiles, scrutinize their existing posts, and take note of the hashtags they incorporate. Not only does this help you identify relevant hashtags, but it can also help you identify and understand current trends within your niche. 
  3. Instagram’s Hashtag and Explore Page: If you’re conducting a competitor analysis via Instagram, don’t sleep on the hashtag and explore pages. When you find a hashtag that’s relevant to you, simply click on it. This brings you to that specific hashtag’s page, which tells you exactly how many posts have been made for that hashtag. 

Categorizing Your Hashtags

After you’ve done some initial research, plan on adopting a strategic combination of popular, small to mid-sized, and niche hashtags. Here’s a good rule of thumb for categorizing hashtags: 

Popular: 1 mil+

Large: 250k-1mil

Medium: 100k-250k

Small: 50k-100k

Rare: Less than 50k

For example, on Instagram, #saas has been used over 600k times, so it falls into the large category. However, #softwaredevelopmentcompany has been used just under 60k times, so it would fall into the small category. To view a hashtag’s usage on Instagram, simply search it in the search bar.

And remember, while popular hashtags can expose your content to a broader audience, incorporating small, mid-sized, and niche tags helps you reach the right people. 

Now, what you’ve been waiting for. To help you get on the right foot, we’ve compiled a list of SaaS trending hashtags to use in 2024: 

#saas #saasmarketing #software #tech #marketing #startup #sales #automateyourbusiness #digitalmarketing #innovation #smallbusiness #cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #iot #ai #data #crm #softwareasaservice #softwararedevelopment #cloud #data #saasproduct #saasbusiness #growth #ecommerce #smallbusiness

You can use these hashtags simultaneously across multiple platforms. However, there are a few guidelines to go by when it comes to how many you should use for each post. This brings us to our next topic – hashtag best practices.  

Best Practices for Using Hashtags

Think of hashtags as the seasoning for your social media posts: a pinch of the right ones can make them flavorful. But too much and it might leave a horrendous and mildly infuriating taste in your mouth. 

On that note, here are a few universal rules for hashtags that apply across all social media channels:

  • Tags cannot contain spaces. Even if you are using multiple words, they should be written as one word with no spacing (e.g. #saasmarketing instead of #saas marketing)
  • Hashtags CAN contain a combination of numbers and letters.
  • Hashtags CANNOT contain special characters or symbols (@, $, %, *).
  • Tags should always be relevant to your business, industry, and target audience to ensure you’re reaching the right people.
  • Be consistent with your hashtags. Cross-post them on your channels for optimal recognition.

In addition, there are a few platform-specific practices to go by when it comes to hashtags per social media post. 

  • SaaS hashtags for X (formerly) Twitter: use 1-2 hashtags per post.
  • SaaS hashtags Instagram: optimal usage of 15 or fewer hashtags, although you can use up to 30.
  • Facebook and LinkedIn: 2-3 hashtags for shorter posts and up to 5 for longer content.
  • YouTube: users can use up to 15 hashtags in their descriptions. YouTube ignores anything after 15 hashtags. 

Steer Clear of Banned Hashtags 

Always make sure you search tags before you use them, as others could use some for the wrong reasons or might even be banned. And, the actual hashtags themselves don’t have to contain provocative or vulgar content for the social media gods to ban them. 

For example, tags like #boho #newyears #publicrelations, and #thought are all banned on Instagram. Bans can happen for various reasons but usually, they’re due to multiple user complaints or people using them in inappropriate content. 

If you do happen to use a banned hashtag, Instagram won’t come at you with a pitchfork, but it will certainly hurt your overall reach and impressions because posts that contain banned hashtags do not make it to Instagram’s Explore page.

As you navigate the dynamic world of social media marketing in 2024, make sure you’re using relevant and popular SaaS hashtags that abide by the guidelines above. Do that and you’re already halfway to a successful hashtag strategy, regardless of your preferred social media platform. 

And remember, don’t just follow trends. Be the leader and set them. Stay connected, stay relevant, and let the hashtags guide your digital journey to success. 

While you’re at it, take a look at our post on 2024 SaaS Market Trends to learn the current numbers and understand how to make them work for you. 


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